
Tali - Roman Knucklebones, Metal Coins, and 2 Games in One

Created by Jason R. Williams

Tali, is the Roman version of Knucklebones. Featuring the tactile feel of simulated Bones.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tali: Final Hour
over 5 years ago – Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 09:24:53 PM

I want to thank everyone for making Tali a reality.  In these last 45 minutes, consider upgrading or pre-paying some of the shipping costs to help us get the rest of the way to the Red Knuckle Bone stretch goal.   We only need about $600 more in funding to unlock this stretch goal.   And remember if you spend $50 or more, you will get an extra set of knuckle bones.  And if you spend $100 or more, you will get an extra set of 80 metal coins.  Consider the extra set as a Christmas gift as we will be shipping before then.

Tali: Funded and Lots of Stretch Goals
over 5 years ago – Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 09:22:09 PM

Thank you everyone.  We did not get all the way to the Red Knuckle Bone stretch goal and we tried real hard.  But I am considering continuing the stretch goals through late backing and Pre-Ordering during the pledge manager stage on BackerKit.  Since we are so close, we should be able to get this one still.   Next Steps is finalizing with the manufacturer and setting up the pledge manager.

Tali: Only $380 from Red Knuckle Bones
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 09:19:17 AM

We have unlocked Qasim Al Masrifi, The banker additional Character card.  And we are only $380 at last glance from unlocking the Red Knuckle Bone stretch goal.

Thank you everyone, I have faith that we will find a way to get that last amount.

Tali: Final Hours
over 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 05:51:57 PM

With less than 6 hours for the campaign, we can get the next two stretch goals and unlock the Red Knuckle Bone die.   Consider increasing your pledge from the $15 to the $25 level to get 2 sets of the knuckle bones (give one as a gift).  Or consider upgrading to the Deluxe game of Tali, adding a set of Knuckle Bones for $15, and getting an extra set since you pledged $50.  You can also pledge $50 in the basic game and then get two copies of the basic game and a free set of knuckle bones.  If you really like the coins, consider pledging $100 and you will get a free set of the 80 metal coins, with your copy of Tali deluxe, 140 metal coins, and two extra sets of knuckle bone dice (1 for free).

Tali: At $5.5K and another stretch goal
over 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 02:59:35 PM

We have unlocked another stretch goal.  Say hello to Maximin Diogenus, our local street performer and drunkard. Everyone thinks he is a general loser.  Somehow, though Maximin seems to win even when he loses.  Maximin's power is that he turns his losses in to wins by making people feel sorry for him and whenever he does not get any winnings during play, all the players which do get money, must give Maximin at least 1 copper.  Even when bad things happen to Maximin, people seem to be compelled to help him out and cover his losses.

And now lets work on the next stretch goal and onto the Mythical Red Knuckle Bone.  The mythical Red Knuckle Bone is thought to have mystical power.  Seers use the Red Bone along with the other bones to help read the future.  Gamer's will use the Red Bone, when they ante the required additional coin, as a wild bone they can use to replace any of the other bones.  The additional rules for using the Mythical Red Bone will be revealed in the future (assuming we can get enough Oracle Seers together to read that future).   A new time travelling recon team is currently being assembled.

Everyone thank you for your support and backing.